Originally Posted by gmoney91
I'm sorry. The post I was referring to is #110. That error message that I got was from typing in those commands. Charge Only and USB debugging are both on. I used adb shell to root my Hero and had no problems. It only took me one day. I'm on my 4th night trying to figure on this Evo.
Your issue MAY be a adb driver issue. Had one other user with a similar "device not found" error.
Fast suggested this:
"You do not need android-sdk at all.
I have a laptop w/ Vista that has never been connected to my phone. I connected the phone, and it failed to see it. It looked for drivers, but failed. Only thing I could do was Charge or Disk Drive. Went into the disk drive and copied the HTC Sync file and installed it.
After it was done, I unplugged the phone, reconnected it w/ HTC Sync.
Then I downloaded the evo-recovery.zip, open the run command and typed "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows reboot recovery".
Worked fine. Then I typed "c:\evo-recovery\recovery-windows.bat" and went right into recovery mode.
Never needed the sdk."
Dont need the HTC Sync part. Just charge only will work. Just tested it on my device.
Worth a shot.
EDIT: I meant you dont need HTC Sync to be running, still grab and install the files as Fast said.