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Old 06-16-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: So what comes after the TP2

sounds like everything has been covered, but ill repeat it for good luck.

TP2 is awesome IMO, i wouldnt trade it for an android or apple device. Im stuck with it for now for one reason. I see zero reasons to upgrade until another windows based device, same size screen or larger, 5 row qwerty, with the new snapdragon processor is released. Basically, im looking for the evo, with a slide out keyboard, and windows rather than android. That will be the next one to get, and i have no idea when its coming or who is gonna lead the market with such a device.

To the guy who made the comment about windows 7. XP was a good OS for many reasons. Its still a good OS. Vista had some innovative features, but was sluggish and had too many security holes. Windows 7 is basically the flashiness and extra features of vista and then some, with the memory footprint of XP if not BETTER than XP. if a computer will run XP, it will run windows 7 as well or better. How can you say anything other than "that is a fantastic improvement". On top of that, its as stable as ive seen since windows 95. I would take windows 7 for a business environment over any form of NT, 2000, server, etc. It is THE best operating system out right now.

Ill be the first to say it. IF the iphone 4 were available on a cdma platform that can be modded to sprint, I would get one, but my rates are far too good with sprint to switch carriers just to get one when i am not 100% sure i will like it. IF it releases on verizon and somebody gets it over to sprint, i may have to abandon winmo for a while and try it out.
My phone is like my genitals. Id cry if i lost it, and i like to use it everyday.
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