Re: Two versions of Evos
I work in Skid Row and have 4g, and can maintain that signal all the way from ~ Temple City/South Pasadena/San Marino.
I started the 4g to watch the game, once it was solid I fired up sprint tv and put spain vs switz on and it was good all the way to work. Got in my office and finished the game. Though the signal got a little bad after 5 mins, so I went to 3g and finished the game in that. I don't know why but 4g is spotty here.
Also my buddy has 4g further south towards... i can't remember where he's at but towards long beach.
You know, thinking about it I don't know if it can revert/switch down to 3g. But it was on and solid indicator. First time I tried it @ home I couldn't get it solid, it was searching (sending out little waves in the icon). But today it was good.
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Last edited by GhettoBSD; 06-16-2010 at 12:58 PM.