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Old 06-16-2010, 04:59 AM
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Re: [ROM][06-11] LatROM 23569 - Clean & Updated

Sorry for the slow response guys...was busy this weekend with a few projects and events.

Originally Posted by LuckyLui View Post
One problem their is 2 usb to pcs in the connections folder... whats the fix for that i kno a couple other roms have that too.. other than that Everything is the S***
Yup, I'm aware of that...technically the two links are slightly different, but I probably should remove one of them

Originally Posted by Flak View Post
Gave this a go as I always liked RZ's roms. Two issues I'm having:

1. I don't like the keyboard. If I try switching to any other keyboard through options it looks like it switches but next time I use the keyboard I get the default one. I also don't seem to be able to install any other keyboards like fingerkeyboard. The install seems to go fine, no errors. But I never get the option to switch to it, nor does the fingerkeyboard icon show up in any of the menus.

2. This isn't a problem specifically with this rom, I have had it with a couple others like Energy's and such. But it works perfect in roms like Tank Roms and Root Roms. Youtube playback is stuttery/jumpy that's if it even starts at all. Sometimes I have to click a video wait a min with the rotating connecting message, then click back and click the video again and it starts. Though it starts with a great chance of being stuttery/jumpy.
The sip changer program cab posted should work to set a different default keyboard on boot.

Regarding fingerkeyboard, I tested an install of FingerKeyb-2.1.408 VGA by and it worked without any issues...maybe there's something wrong with your cab file? Which version did you try installing?

I'll take a look at the youtube issue. I don't have data and I don't really use youtube, but I was aware of some issues with stuttering that other people encountered with the package in this kitchen. Might need an updated package.

Originally Posted by Casabian View Post
Thanks for the help and the above code, just changed it to 0 and everything is perfect. I found that I could use Activesync through the data services in the settings tab, so no real problem there for me anymore.

Great rom so far. My phone is finally usable. Cheers.
No problem! Glad it's working well for you.

Originally Posted by hamagc View Post
whats battery life like on this?
It's good. Try it out

Originally Posted by oconn1st View Post
Great Rom! Finally something that just works! The only issue I am having is that I cannot change the background picture at all. I browse for the pic I want and select it but nothing happens. Am I missing something? Anyone else having this problem?

I have that problem's an issue with co0kie's 1.8 (backgrounds worked fine with 1.7). I'll scour xda and see if there's a fix, but at the moment, I'm unsure as to how to fix it. Maybe it's a conflict with the BG4ALL I cooked in...I'll try removing that package later.
HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp

Replaced by an HTC Desire: DeFroST 5.x w/ HAVS kernel, 1113MHz ondemand
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