Originally Posted by gokuman56
Still Waiting 
In order for sprint tv to work you need your carrier cab.. From what it sounds like is that it cant connect to the server that sprint tv connects to... Now the camera idk what to say because my cameras working fine.. Best opinion i can give you is doing task 29 and then re download the rom onto your phone... Let me know how it goes budd.
Originally Posted by MattMan657
Sup guys, has anyone tried running this with verizon? Just curious as I didnt see anyone post about it. I was also wondering whats up with the carrier cabs. Im new to flashing custom roms so if someone could fill me in that would be great. Thanks all!
I dont have a verizon cell phone but from my knowledge this rom doesnt work yet w verizon... I know tank is cooking up a stable verizon rom at the moment but no luck yet so when he thinks its good to roll he'll deff let everyone know. Carrier cabs are used to determine what network your in.. so for ex im w sprint so i download that rom and it will put in the settings that only sprints network uses like apn settings and all that good stuff
Hope that helped out, Have a good one