Originally Posted by orangekid
actually T-Mobile has much better customer satisfaction as far as reception goes than ATT. I live in a huge metro area, and I get awesome T-Mobile coverage, my HD2 is almost always getting HSDPA which sees Wimax speeds at times. ATT is like the worst network ever, dropped calls, capping data, way overpriced. I don't mind using Edge on the iPhone, at least my calls won't drop, and there are wifi hotspots like every block here lol.
I gotta admit I do get dropped calls when I'm on 3G and i hope the new iphone can fix it with the better antennas. I also read that the dropped calls also might be because there are too many iphone users that degrade ATT service. True, ATT is as expensive as VZW, but I get a 25% off corp discount, which works on voice and data, so its not too bad. If I had to pay full price, I'll go to Sprint and get the EVO. I don't care how good a phone is, I'll never pay over a 100 buck for service no matter what.