Originally Posted by bondosho
CHT 1.8 is terrible. I went with MaxSense, and I'm lovin' it.
Originally Posted by tyty1978
i switched from max sense to cookie and i havent had any trouble yet... *knock on wood*
Originally Posted by jamal33
I went from cookie to Dink and loving it.
Well I went from my living room to the fridge and got a beer...
Oh wait, lost track for a moment... Oh yea I went from stock to 300 other roms to Nrgz Cookie Dinik... And now I haven't flashed my phone in 2 days, so I am pissed off

C'mon what the hold up! Us junkie's need a fix. I think I will just keep flashing the same rom over and over and pretending to be amazed.
I keep running in and telling my wife "LOOK! at this... IT's A NEW ROM"
Oh wait, lost track again. Now where was I.... Oh yea... Beeeerrr. Doh!