Re: Bad Video Quality
I have the same issue using a custom rom from the remnant of Calc's kitchen. I compared it to an old video from the final release of calc's kitchen and the quality is awful now.
EDIT: I did some comparing of the files and it looks like the data/total bit rates for the correct recording are 750-800+ kpbs and the ones from the current problem seem to be significantly lower @ 193-222 kbps. Im going to see if some regedits work to bump them up where they are supposed to be.
Update: Ok, I was playing around with reg edits and I set my HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\recparam\MP4VGA\bitrate to 1024000 and it seemed to fix the issue, any higher than 1050000 seems to kill the tweak and return it to 120kbps of recording.
Last edited by Tubra; 06-15-2010 at 02:26 PM.
Reason: update