Originally Posted by ChrisH09
2 things that pop out from your post....
1. Pocket
2. Pocket Knife
Those are 2 things you should never have together...and neither of them should be where you put a phone. Do you relize your putting a $449 phone in your pocket? Yeah, your brain is probably thinking, I only paid $199 for it, but you have to look at the bigger picture....what the full retail cost of the phone is worth...not what you got it at for a 2 year contract extension. Get pissed at me all you want...but the plain truth is that Cell phones should never be put in pockets, unless they have room to move around...and sorry Jeans don't cut it...they are to tight..
When this stuff happens to the unfortunate user they tend to put the blame on the company, instead of themselves...and say how the phone is a piece of crap...well its a peice of crap because you put it in your pocket duh!
I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this post, but you have to think of where I'm coming from...and what your having to go through now because you have a busted Evo 4G.. (Insurance, if you have it + deductable, Time wasted) If you were to just buy a leather belt clip pouch, or something you wouldn't be going through this right now would you?
I have a valid point, but you may not believe it.
well here is the problem I have never had a problem until yesterday and I was in shorts with rather large pockets. I know that I am not the only one who carries their phone in there pockets front or back. I also know that other people carry way more inside their pockets that I was carrying and have yet to have any issues and I am talking about carrying things like change and keys in them. This is also not my first time around the block with phones either I have only had had problems like this with one other phone and that was the treo 650 and guess what they finally admitted that there was a hardware issue with the screens on those phones.
But don't get me wrong I'm with you on the part that i am sticking $450 into my pocket every time I reach for my phone. You also have to look at it from this point I did not drop the phone as others did nor has it been dropped period. I was just walking and went to look at my phone and there was a crack from the side of the phone that spread to the rest of the phone. I would also have to say that there may be some poor build quality in the phone when people are breaking glass <10 into having the phone launch. Granted some people are ruffer on phones than others. But again I am not blaming HTC/sprint ere 100% I take my part on having stupid things in my pocket, what I am blaming them for 100% is not having a repair service started or have a time table to know when they will be able to start repairing phones. I do have insurance but right now we all know that it means nothing at this time because you cant even get a phone retail what makes you think you or anyone else is going to get one in a timely fashion. but again you had your opinion and I have mine.