Originally Posted by rmig825
I rooted via toast, Then I used your radio update, did everything step by step, and when I lauch wifi tether, NO GO! I have the newest wifi tether, so I know it is not that. But it will not work at all,, I have read about something call superuser access, or something like that,,, But I have no clue what they are talking about,,, "enable superuser" any help would be greatly appricated. Thank you again
are you still on the stock rom or a custom rom. You need to have a app called Superuser permissions, when u open the app, it will show you which apps have superuser/root access. also, you need to make sure that USB debugging is turned on @ menu/settings/applications/development.
if you're on the stock rom, I would recommend either a custom rom or installing the superuser app if u dont already have it installed....let me know if u need it.