Originally Posted by IsLNdbOi
Ah ok so HTC will be releasing an official 6.1 update for Sprint's Touch by the end of February. I'm trying to figure out how to make my own customized ROM. I have read the various threads here about it. Hopefully by the time the official update is out, I'll be able to do my own ROM. All I want is 6.1 from HTC w/ all of the usual HTC stuff, but without any of the Sprint stuff not needed for the Touch to function on Sprint. I don't want:
- OnDemand
- Sprint TV
- Sprint Music / Music Store
- that "Instant Messaging" program that actually links to a download for the instant messaging program
- Sprint Mobile Email
- Whatever else in there that's added by Sprint.
Also, I'd replace the remaining apps. in the ROM with their latest available non-beta version.
How much work would this be?
Check out my rom, thats basically what I cooked up: