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Old 06-15-2010, 04:30 AM
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Re: I dropped my phone and the screen shattered... Now with a picture.

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
Gotta love the smart ass remarks...this wasn't even directed to you anyways. I just can't get over how someone can put a big 4.3 screened phone into their pocket and expect it to come out unscaved....that phone nearly takes up 3/4 ore more of the pocket, bend down...sit down...there goes your Evo...

Theres only so much you can do to protect your phone...Get a otter box or something...put it in a coat pocket...either way...atleast you know your phone won't come out with a cracked screen....yeah this phone might have a sensitive glass screen...but you have ways of protecting it...use them...and save yourself from having to pay for a Insurance claim.
So why exactly is it bad to put the phone in my pocket? I simply don't get it. You say a pocket is too tight, but a belt holster is completely form fitting... what's the purpose of the phone being able to freely move around?

I used to carry my phones on my belt, that is until I started carrying more important things on my belt which would force me to carry my phone on the left side where I's be even more likely to drop it because I'm right handed, that and the belts I currently have are very thick and belt holsters don't fit them very well.

Either way, I fail to see your argument regarding belt holsters being better than pocket carrying.
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