Originally Posted by infamousj012
blah i got lazy and went and got a sdcard adapter.. it still won't connect for some reason and i'm using windows 7 so i know it's not the os that the comp is running, i think it's because my "charger/usb port" is loose from it getting yanked out by cousins and brothers pulling it out when they're getting my phone for me.. i'm just waiting to get the new line on my phone because my girlfriend from some reason claims to want my phone.. i'll either trade her for her sh*tty crackberry- or (more than likely) look into getting another htc- because i'm just about completely fed up with this phone. :/
my friend is about to get the evo, and i don't want to get the incredible because i see it being nowhere near as good.. other than the processing chip and the fact it's a droid, blah. anyways.. kind've ranting here.
thanks for the info though, like i said i just got lazy and grabbed an adapter. ugh. wheres the root for this v3 leak.. (i want to root and convert back to 1.5 or OTA 2.1 so i can take this sh*t in..)lol.
thats funny you say that because now all of a sudden when its sync'ed to my pc by usb and if i slightly touch it or if a notification goes off and i slide the screen, the connection drops and then sometimes i have to unplug completely and then replug it all over again. so i know what you mean by that
also the Incredible is on the same level as the Evo. heres a good site that breaks them down
if you feel like waiting a little longer Droid X and Droid 2 are coming. if you feel like waiting even longer LG Panther is 4Q 2010