Originally Posted by SweetBearCub
Now that the Evo has been in the hands of people for a while now, I'm curious if anyone has attempted to install a copy of Windows 9x (in an emulator, obviously) on their Evo, as has been possible on Windows Mobile handsets for a while now.
Sidestepping the inevitable responses of "Why would you want to do that?" (Answer: Because it's there), I'm curious to know how fast it runs and if it's usable.
Edit: In theory, it should be possible to output the Win 9x desktop to a TV and connect a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard to the Evo to use in the Win 9x environment.. Interesting..
Don't get me wrong... it would be cool for the simple fact that it "COULD" be done. Other than that, having Windows 9x run on this phone emulator or otherwise is a failure on all accounts.
Dealing with draining system resources, sluggish performance, ugh just horrible.