Much better than earlier Netfront versions. A little slow, I think I'll stick with Opera Mini running under JBed for now. I don't like the fact that a zoom out only gives you a view of part of the web page, and not the whole page. I felt I had to scroll too much to get to the section of a web page I wanted to read. Loading is much faster than IE, but not as fast as Opera Mobile or Mini.
Incidentally I actually prefer browsing on Opera Mini over Mobile Safari on the iPhone (which I also own), because Opera Mini intelligently sizes text on zoom in. On the iPhone I end up zooming in/out/scrolling every which way like crazy to read a paragraph on, with Opera Mini, I don't.
Edit: The bookmark browser is neat but gimmicky.
Last edited by TalynOne; 02-09-2008 at 06:40 AM.