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Old 06-14-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 6.5 OEM Freezes when Exiting SMS/MMS

I want to revive this thread, because I keep having this issue, and it's killing me. It makes me want to sling the phone across the room. I want to organize what I've read on here so far, in hopes of finding a solution. This is my biggest problem with my phone, and it's about to drive me crazy.


In the Windows Mobile text app (not Sense), when exiting a text thread, the phone occasionally becomes completely unresponsive for anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. While the display returns to the list of text threads, the top menu with the drop down selectors for current folder glitches and shows whatever was in that area of screen from the text thread.

Under "normal" circumstances, this same unresponsiveness and graphical glitching occurs, however it lasts for only a fraction of a second.

This problem is generally experienced in WM 6.5 or 6.5.x versions, but not in WM 6.1. (If anyone has seen this in 6.1, please tell me in a reply.)


HYPOTHESIS #1: Text App Parses Contacts
Some posters have guessed that the text app has to parse through the contacts each time you close a text thread in order to update the name on it, so if you have a lot of contacts, or very large contact images, it can cause the unresponsiveness.

HYPOTHESIS #2: MMS / Arcsoft
I have this problem regardless of whether or not Arcsoft has been installed. I have also seen this problem even with there are only texts, and no MMS messages.

HYPOTHESIS #3: Sense / Sense Messaging
Some people have thought that perhaps sense parses through the text threads to make the Sense Messaging work properly, but I haven't seen any improvement in the problem by disabling sense. However, this is still on ROMs with Sense cooked in. I can't confirm whether or not this problem will occur on a Titanium-only ROM.

HYPOTHESIS #4: Restoring Texts
Some users have suggest that this problem only occurs when using software such as MyPhone, SPB Backup, or PIMBackup to restore texts. However, other users and myself have reported this problem can occur even on a fresh install with no texts being restored.


: Disable Sense
This has be confirmed not to work in many circumstances. I just tested this on my phone, and the unresponsiveness persists.

SOLUTION #2: Move/Delete Texts
Moving the texts out of the inbox, either to trash or to another folder, will USUALLY but NOT ALWAYS stop the delays for new text threads that are created. However the problem will inevitably return.

SOLUTION #3: Reduce Size of Contact Images
I actually don't know of an easy way to do this, so I can't try it and report back. If anyone knows how to inspect the size of my contact images, I'll give this a go and come back. I'll try removing ALL my contact images later and update this post.

What I can confirm is that the unresponsiveness will occur regardless of whether or not you have Sense linked to facebook profile images.

UPDATE: Remove all my contact images had no effect. Exiting the threads still causes unresponsiveness.

SOLUTION #4: Apply Tweaks with XTHack or Similar
This had no effect on the problem in my testing.

I will update this post with any new information anyone can provide, or anything my research uncovers.

Last edited by Arterion; 06-14-2010 at 11:03 PM.
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