Okay so I've had this phone for all of 4 days now and I'm not sure if I'm happy or not????
This is my first PPC phone thing so maybe I'm way off-base here but it seems REALLY slow. I LOVE the functionality of the phone and am not sure what I would do without it now but is all that for lack of performance? This thing really crawls even doing the basic functions of a normal phone... After loading a few apps it's a pain in my patience to even respond to an incoming text... it crawls!
Would touch be better? I know verizon doesn't really offer it right now but they're supposed to in the near future.. I'm wondering if it would perform better?
I realize touch lacks the wifi and keyboard.. I can live without the keyboard but the wifi loss kinda sucks... although, if it performs better it would make it all worth it....
I've seen lots of threads in this forum with people saying they're doing the swap to touch (from mogul)... are u guys happier? Do u think I would?
Thanks for reading my senseless blabber