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Old 06-13-2010, 11:36 PM
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nascar09 file removal

so, had the phone hooked up to the laptop to test something and was looking at the the different folders on the phone. cliked on the one titled "nascar09" to see what was in it. clicked on one of the files to see what it was and couldn't view it. figured hey, let's see if we can delete this one coz it's prolly something to do with the nascar app. thought it'll either delete or it won't like some of the others since I'm not rooted. I was able to delete it, then thought I should prolly research it first just in case, so I went to the laptop trash to reinstate nascar09, but it wasn't there! wondering if I did make a mistake and can't find anything about that file online. any help? bueller? bueller?
computard with a phone smarter than him
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