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Old 06-13-2010, 09:27 PM
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Thats right... this one is a QPST thread for the nosleep issue

Well... Guess what I've been doing to tweak my 3G signal... QPST... And guess what setting is there under the Display tab... 'Backlight' :Always On:
I just changed it to 30 Seconds... A couple other available... Ill see if it fixes time without sleeping issue...
here is the latest QPST functional with Win7Ult64bit (its what I use)
also the drivers for Win7 64 (idk if it has the others... but its easier for you guys to find anyways)
cdma workshop.... heh i gues i shouldnt post that one... only way to use it is with crack...

but you will need your MSL...
sigh... i know so many will ask...
download alogcat from marketplace.... find a tutorial MSL Hero alogcat...learn... apply to evo....
then you must put your phone in DIAG mode ##DIAG#
Plug in to usb... Find the COM port of phone in Device Manager... Load it up on QPST... Open up Service Programming... Click Read from phone...
Type in your MSL...
Click save to file so you can have stock backup...
Go to Display... do what I said above... Or try 15seconds if you want...You MUST write to phone...
Itll say ESN changed cuz its displaying true value... and NV no write something... Done.. It restarts your phone radio.
Like i said. I JUST now tried it... hell if i know what it does...
if you backed up you can play with all the settings... just restore if anything... DO IT!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg shikaka.jpg (12.4 KB, 30 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: rar WModem_Installer_XP64.rar (491.9 KB, 40 views) Click for barcode!
Are you having problems after flashing a new ROM which noone else can reproduce? Here ya go
Link :
Really? I'm glad I could help you... Let me know that I did by clicking this button you see on the bottom right of my posts.
Your welcome

Last edited by Tilde88; 06-13-2010 at 09:45 PM.
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