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Old 06-13-2010, 07:53 PM
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Thumbs down Did I make the right choice with the EVO

I am starting to wonder is going from my touch pro to the EVO was a good idea. So far these are my issues with it:

1) I can't find a app to stream my radio stations while I am away from home. If I go to NY or CA and I want to listen to a show on my radio station in FL, it can't be done.

2) Facebook has given me several issues. Starting with uploading videos, I was out of town this weekend and tried about 5 different programs to upload my videos. But every one of them when I would go to play I would get an error that the video couldn't play. After about 5 hours worth of jerking around with it I saw someone had posted a reply to one of my (what I thought was a failed attempt) videos. Made me start wondering so I went to view other videos on Facebook and it appears none of them would play...mine or anyone elses. No one seems to have a solution to this.

3) For work I need to do an upload of a .csv file to a web server VIA HTML page every day. I had to resort to using Opera 4 in order to do this because either the other browsers won't upload or they won't let me even get pass some radio buttons and check boxes I need to get through before doing an upload. opera 4 is what...a 2008 browser?

I am really just not having a very good user experience with this phone.
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