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Old 06-13-2010, 06:02 PM
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[MOD] Palm TouchStone for the EVO [8 Step Tutorial Here!]

Found this over at "Good an EVO".

Yesterday, Jenn from post an article in reference to someone who posted a video on youtube of a mod they preformed on the EVO to work with the Palm Touchstone charger.

Article here:

Today, Jenn posted that she had contacted the person who posted the video and he agreed to write a tutorial on how to preform the mod. Which will be later posted on Good and EVO.

Article here:

Looking forward to seeing how easy and indepth this mod is. The second article mentions it should only take 5 to 10 minutes to preform. Also, one drawback seems to be the loss of the internal compass due to magnets which are required. Take a look at the video shown in the first article. It's pretty cool.

And now it's here... How to mod you HTC EVO 4G to work with Palm TouchStone Wireless charger.

Article here:

Seems simple enough but I don't have a Palm Pre to use for parts. I'll probably hold off until HTC releases one. But I'm sure if I did have a Palm Pre and a TouchStone sitting in a drawer collecting dust, I would be "all over that shuffle board!!!".

Have fun Mod'ers!!!

Last edited by D\/8; 06-15-2010 at 07:01 AM.
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