Does anyone know how to kill this annoying screen from comming up?
It pops up when clicking the left side of the top bar and interferes with
xTask (I have to reload xHook after Sense loads). The "launcher" (my name for it) doesn't appear to be there when Sense isn't loaded, so is this just something in a manila file somewhere I can delete?
Also, Christian - do you mind looking into this fine line on your sexy slider?
And not really a big deal - the icons don't appear quite right (see "windows" on drop-down slider, and the "searching" icon shows a USB searching instead of antenna searching). Where can I go to fix these?
FWIW - I've also attached the .reg file for how I like xTask to work (5 icons, all the way to the left of the task bar). Just watch the video in the review at the bottom of the wiki to see how it actually works (the documentation doesn't do it justice), but it's the most stable thing I could find to actually close programs by hitting the "X". You'll still have to put a link in the start up folder or check "AutoRun xHook" in the nearly impossible to find settings if you want it to run automatically (I'll post again when I make a cab or OEM for it).