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Old 06-13-2010, 04:43 PM
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Re: Evo= Another crippled htc device?

Originally Posted by AndroidTroll View Post
Well said. I WONT get sucked in a argument because they feel I am childish for pointing out the truth. THIS is exactly what happened when the 6800,tilt, touch,touch 2 and the rest of the MS72xx devices. People got then and alot of the buyers were angry because they ran on Software instead of hardware accelaration. Alot sweared never to but Htc until they give us our moneys worth rather than cripple the Imigeon chipset.I was on of them.People were happy to hear that Htc moved away from the Ms7200 and picked up snapdragon cpu's. Now here we are with the new gen cpu and even the 1st gen iphone still performs alot better. So hear we are again. The buyers refuse to hear the truth since they shelled out alot money. So no matter what flaws people point on on tge Evo, the buyers will insult the critics and swear up and down how its flawless. I dont blame them thou, if I paid alot of money for a ppc, Id defend my purchase aswell to keep me in denial. hehe
ok icrap fanboy! i did not pay alot of money i got my evo for 50 bucks so please get your facts right! ok crackle fan boy??? lol
i mean AndroidTroll
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