Originally Posted by jdmsohc22
And I do appreciate the work you put in towards this community with your icons and such, but I'm just saying dude isn't it a little outrageous to say the least... This thread was moved due to the NSFW rating it was applied, than when NSFW material gets posted, there are actions taken..?? Isn't that the same as saying it's ok to carry guns, than gettin a ticket for having a gun..?? Or taking away all speed limits, an still getting a speeding ticket...
The problem is there is no set definition for NSFW. Does it mean nothing that is sexually explicit, no nudity, no lingerie? NSFW is a subjective term. The site rules state no adult material. Even though a thread may have NSFW in the title, this site is viewed by minors, so that has to be taken into account. I'm all for boobs and such, but it's not my site, so I play by the rules.