Originally Posted by AndroidTroll
I was expecting a reply like this. From the vids I have seen on youtube, Evo is not smooth at all. And Im not buying a Evo to game with it. But would love at least match the iphonw in how smooth games and apps run. And from what I have seen, its still way behing. Pretty dissapointed honestly.
Originally Posted by AndroidTroll
Yup, dejavu! People will defend it no matter what. Wouldnt it be a awesome ppc phone if it at least matched the very first gen iphone in performance? Ima jus sayin.
Dude, what are you talking about? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Its actually pretty funny. In any case I have several friends who have been swinging from apples nutsack for years, I am talking about hardcore fanboys. They got the evo last week and even though they are not entirely happy with battery performance they are amazed with how smooth, customizable and feature rich this phone really is and forget about 4g they are shocked at how fast this thing is using a standard 3g connection when browsing and downloading files compared to their iphone3gs's.