Originally Posted by champ052005
I can play 3D games fine and with fluidity. How are you judging a phone without even playing with it, let alone holding it?
Pretty soon we are going to get threads like.....
The Evo is crippled because it doesn't have a glass back like the iphone!
The Evo is crippled because the kickstand should have been the color red!
I don't understand. People are trying really hard to find any type of fault in the Evo.
The phone has a 4.3 inch screen, does that mean I'm going to get rid of my 65" tv? No. The phone plays 3D games well, does that mean I'm going to get rid of my Xbox? No.
In the end, its a phone. Something we have when we are on the go. I love gaming, don't get me wrong. But that is why I have a Xbox!
not even if he wants a portable 3d gaming system he could get a psp/ds you kow how many times i use my evo for games? 2% of the time i got my psp & ds for that