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Old 06-13-2010, 10:47 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.1 Custom ROM | Eclair | *Updated | 6/10/10*

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
I'm certainly not OMJ but I can help you out-
Yes we can add delete files from the folder as we see fit (dont touch anything but apps!)
If you add anything to data\app it's uninstallable post flash. If you put anything into System\app you wont be able to uninstall it (as per OMJ) post flash. You can delete files from System\app prior to flash.

Placeholder? Dunno. Google?
Not sure why your looking for the Sprint Hotspot files but the Android tether app (Wireless Tether) installed does the same thing (not sure on the number of devices)
Hope that helps.

EDIT:Just reading some more and some apps aparently dont like running from Data\app such as anything from HTC, just a heads up, be careful with what you mess with.
reference: flipzmode over @ xda
As usual, winmonewbie, thanks! I just want to remove a bunch of apps I know I will never use. I've noticed a few of them sporadically running when I'm killing tasks. As with Sprint Hotspot, I dont want to accidentally run it and incur charges. I figure that we have a new wifi app running within, why leave it on there?

Originally Posted by johntiger View Post
Ok is anyone else experiencing the uhhhh well suckyness of 4G coverage. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area where it has been deployed for about 8 months and the speed is awesome when I can get a signal but when most of the time it just causes disconections when switching between 3g and 4g with wifi tether oh and I also haven't been able to get HTC sync to work. I wouldn't use it at all if anyone knew why my exchange account wont sync my calender.
I feel ya! I'm in the same area and what burns the most is the fact that my Clear card works great. (Arlington has fairly good WiMAX coverage as per You would think if the Clear card has service, so should the EVO. Sadly, for me, that isn't the case. I rarely get a good signal. When I do, it's usually on parts of GB & 35. I suppose we just have weak antennas on our EVOs.
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