Originally Posted by sfhub
Glad it helped.
Just be aware that after reboot, the /system/etc/gps.conf will be put back, overwriting your changes.
You can get around this either by using the new ext2 image babijoee put out on the xda thread:
or by running unsquashfs on a linux system for system.sqsh, replacing /system/etc/gps.conf, and then running mksquashfs.
If you went with the first way (ext2 img) which I think is simpler, after you boot into android, open up a terminal
mount -o rw,remount /system
[edit or copy in your proposed /system/etc/gps.conf]
mount -o ro,remount /system
Alternatively, you could also add a command to copy in your proposed gps.conf at the end of /sdcard/[andboot/]conf/eclair.user.conf
# custom shell commands, these commands run last
#echo "Hello!!!" # example
#echo "You can create your own commands here" # example
/bin/cp -f /sdcard/andboot/gps.conf /data/etc/gps.conf
/bin/chmod 644 /data/etc/gps.conf
Dammit, just saw my changes undone.
For the ext2 fs - which I would prefer to use anyway - there seem to be no instructions. I assume I have to format my sd card with an ext2 partition or can i place the system.ext2 file on the sdcard just like the sqsh file?