Re: apps to sd
First, you have to be running a ROM that supports apps2sd, from what I understand the Sprint Stock does not.
Second, you have to format/partition your sd card in a format that the particular apps2sd your ROM follows. The first version of apps2sd I had you had to force the apps over to the sd via booting into recovery and choosing that option from the list. The ROM i use now does it automatically during reboots. I have 50+ apps installed, around 30mb of free space on phone (some files for each app stay on phone, from what I understand) and was originally running out of space on phone with Stock Sprint ROM at around 25-30 apps before...
If you are running a ROM that supports auto-apps2sd and is already applying it, you may just have reached the limit. Everything in life has limits, somewhere, and you may have to just decide which apps you want to keep as your 'favorites' and dump the rest. Not all apps will work with apps2sd or support it, either, so beyond some of the files left to reside on the phone they completely install on the phone.