Originally Posted by makkonen
Playing with your fix now, sfhub. Will put together a new package with it and today's system.sqsh tonight, probably.
Ok, I went ahead and updated everything to the 6/13/2010 AOSP package at xda. I tested exactly what was release, making sure to remove /sdcard/cache and /sdcard/andboot/data.img
The result is a much nicer animation (IMO) but unfortunately still looping. Can't call it looping X, though, now with the new animation.
I then did two things:
1) replace the included rootfs.img with the one that has the "PATH" fix I mentioned earlier (attached to this post)
2) get rid of "chmod 777 /data/etc/dbus.conf" which snuck in with the latest xda release, both to prove it is unecessary and because it is now redundant
I also updated the rootfs.img to be the latest/2nd 06/12/2010 release (cacfdc7) version, from the autobuild, with the nordic keymappings since we might as well help the most people possible.
After those changes, I verified, there are no more console errors about "no such user '-R'" and "no such user '1002:1002'" as well as the other mkdir and chmod errors.
More importantly I verified the looping at animation is gone and was able to get to the Android initial config screen.
Also, if you are going to use the rootfs.img I'm attaching, please test it after removing data.img and cache. I tested it twice, but am not beyond making mistakes
Both diffs follow below (and are attached)
! PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
/bin/echo "Rootfs loaded."
--- 7,20 ----
/bin/mount -o remount,rw / /
! # Looping X animation fix
! # change PATH to put /bin in front of /system/bin to fix looping X animation
! # bug. /system/bin versions of some commands were being run which appear to
! # accept restricted options causing commands to fail and therefore not setup
! # the system properly. User would see errors on the console like
! # "no such user '-R'" or "no such user '1000:1000'"
! #
! PATH=/sbin:/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
/bin/echo "Rootfs loaded."
*** 156,167 ****
cp -a /system/etc/* /etc
cp -ar /init.etc/* /etc/
- #Possible fix for looping animation. stinebd/gm112
- #First push by babijoee :)
- chown 1002:1002 /etc/dbus.conf
- chmod 440 /etc/dbus.conf
LCDDENSITY=`/bin/grep -o "lcd.density=.*" /proc/cmdline | /bin/sed -e "s/.*lcd.density=//g" -e "s/ .*//g"`
if [ "$LCDDENSITY" != "" ] ; then
--- 163,168 ----
*** 516,519 ****
--- 517,527 ----
mknod /dev/msm_camera/frame0 c 250 2
chmod a+s /bin/pppd
+ # Looping X animation fix
+ # Change PATH back to original in case the change is required for init.android
+ # whether for security purposes or just for it to run properly. See earlier
+ # change above.
+ #
+ PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
exec /init.android
*** sdcard/andboot/conf/eclair.user.conf Sat Jun 12 18:22:57 2010
--- sdcard/andboot/conf/eclair.user.conf-fix Sat Jun 12 18:22:57 2010
*** 48,54 ****
# custom shell commands, these commands run last
- chmod 777 /etc/dbus.conf
#echo "Hello!!!" # example
#echo "You can create your own commands here" # example
--- 48,53 ----