Originally Posted by only1penny
i know the evo is the now device and the hardware is great but what is the benefit of android over winmo. i have a tpro2 that's flashed and hot rodded out. i really want the evo to be way better but don't think it is. i was at the store today playing with them side by side and i couldn't see any advantages. besides hardware of course, it is a beast of a phone. the screen is great. but that's where it ends. ya, i know the front camera, 8mp. but i took a few pics of the same thing with both. unless i'm gonna blow the pics up, not much different. one thing i really do like is the flash. i miss that from the tpro1. otherwise i can't see it. i don't watch movies or tv on my phone. sense has what 5 or 7 home screens? right now i'm on nrg's latest & with tf3d2 & there's like 12 home screens. plus, with the cookie add on there's enough "widgets" to go around. i guess i'm asking you to talk me into the evo. or confirm my skepticism. really appreciate it if take the time.
I'm in the same quandary as you. Quite happy with my current handset and the price I would have to pay in terms of upgrade to my service agreement as well as the $10 surcharge for 4g which is not even available in my area makes me very hesitant. I use internet on my phone only occasionally, don't watch movies, and rarely take a picture. I do listen to music and audio books, but what is the EVO really gonna do for me there? Google Maps, Bing, YouTube, FaceBook, etc.? Got them now and nice to have in a pinch, but again I only use these occasionally.
At this point my next phone will probably be Android-based, but I don't have a compelling reason to do it now. Maybe in a year when the next new gotta have it phone is out and the EVO doesn't have all the surcharges associated with it, I'll get it then.