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Old 06-12-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: MikROM (with and without updated radio and removable apps)

Originally Posted by shellguy View Post
amikam one thing i noticed when you change the alarm to say 8:00am it messes up the numbers any idea on a cause or a fix aside from changing the time?

i noticed it before... i dont know why it does that sice i didn't really touch anything that has to do with images inside apk's.
maybe ill try to zipalign the package with the clock to see if it would help... or maybe zipaligning it in the first place is the problem somehow since it is aligned.

im really not sure why or what caused it.. and im not sure whether other roms have that issue or not also.
anyways... i really think its the smallest issue ever.
personally i use betteralarm as my alarm on the phone.. try it out, many more options.

one thing that coulde be the cause is the fact that im using fonts that also support hebrew... i really dont see how that would effect only that and nothing else... but also an option.

anyways... im sorry, but i really dont know exactly what to do about it, but like i said... i dont even feel that its problem.

i hope everything else is working good... battery life should be really really good with the version i uploaded latest version i uploaded.
there are a lot of tweaks and useless packages that have been taken off.

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils
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