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Old 02-08-2008, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by neodorian View Post
It's probably something they want to monetize at some point so they won't let people do it for free right now.
The thing is boils down to this... the phones they give away for free can send MMS but a phone that costs 300+ cant? Also how are they giving it away for free? It takes a plan or 15cents each. They all ready charge for it.

If this is a lost cause then we need some of you coders then to work with pktpix or code with the sprint picture mail site and make a app for us to use easily then sprint cant say anything about that.

I think what we all actually want is just a simple, straight, and truthful answer from sprint to why we cant use MMS. and I want it given to everyone not released to some other news website I want it on their main page. If they just reason with the people who pay them by being honest. Then more people can make a better decision as to stay with them or change carriers. Because right now where this stands I am about ready to switch phones. Because you still cant beat $30 a month on sero.

And why have a "smart" phone if its "handicapped" in areas the "dumb" phone excells.