Re: Whats up with everyone hating the Touch Pro 2 all of a sudden?
i think if there was an android build that was almost 100% complete for TP2 i would be staying on it. This phone is still going to be my primary backup which will be used often (I go through a lot of phones and my current BU is a razor lol) and I can stand windows mobile lag and all because its all ive ever known. I just want a change since I hate palm stuff and windows mobile is dying soooo since i am on sprint evo is the prefect choice to swap.
just wish a second shipment would come to my radio shack soon so I can get the evo...
Sony Clie->Palm M105->Palm M505->Palm Z22(stolen)->HP RX1955->HTC Mogul->Touch Pro->Touch Pro 2>Evo 4g!
OMJ rom
Godmode kernel tearing fixed