Here is the context diff of the changes I made and tested.
*** init-orig Sat Jun 12 08:41:42 2010
--- init-fix Sat Jun 12 09:30:39 2010
*** 7,13 ****
/bin/mount -o remount,rw / /
! PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
/bin/echo "Rootfs loaded."
--- 7,20 ----
/bin/mount -o remount,rw / /
! # Looping X animation fix
! # change PATH to put /bin in front of /system/bin to fix looping X animation
! # bug. /system/bin versions of some commands were being run which appear to
! # accept restricted options causing commands to fail and therefore not setup
! # the system properly. User would see errors on the console like
! # "no such user '-R'" or "no such user '1000:1000'"
! #
! PATH=/sbin:/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
/bin/echo "Rootfs loaded."
*** 156,167 ****
cp -a /system/etc/* /etc
cp -ar /init.etc/* /etc/
- #Possible fix for looping animation. stinebd/gm112
- #First push by babijoee :)
- chown 1002:1002 /etc/dbus.conf
- chmod 440 /etc/dbus.conf
LCDDENSITY=`/bin/grep -o "lcd.density=.*" /proc/cmdline | /bin/sed -e "s/.*lcd.density=//g" -e "s/ .*//g"`
if [ "$LCDDENSITY" != "" ] ; then
--- 163,168 ----
*** 513,516 ****
--- 514,524 ----
mknod /dev/msm_camera/frame0 c 250 2
chmod a+s /bin/pppd
+ # Looping X animation fix
+ # Change PATH back to original in case the change is required for
+ # whether for security purposes or just for it to run properly. See earlier
+ # change above.
+ #
+ PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin
exec /