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Old 06-12-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Oditius View Post
The USCC failed too. But my cab file worked. This ROM is HOT and works great. You did a great job on this one. Hmm will have to talk to the bank now about taking out a 2nd mortgage so I can keep it. Thanks for fixing the problem and doing a really great ROM. Sorry if I offended you, it was not my intention. You are a master chef if I say so myself.
Everything is good Oditius. Good in the sense that you got me off my a$$ and I did some things that I needed to get done in the kitchen. And the rom is the better for it. Glad you are back and hope I can keep you here with my roms.

Many changes to this rom on the inside. So please if anyone finds any errors, please speak up and tell me what is wrong. The USC problem is caused by me adding a 2nd Verzion Wireless cab. Once suntopper says it's golden I will redo the provisioning and post the rom again.

P.S - just got the PM from dinik, and we are a go for using his glass themes in my rom. Now I don't plan on making major changes to the rom to the point that it would be a expressyourcell clone.

1. Edit the dialer to get rid of the green buttons. (I hate med. green buttons) and the med. blue.

2. Provide a cab for programs icons that would replace my dusk icons.

3. Edit the taskbar battery icons to show bigger % numbers without the green battery.

This may take a some time, just hang in there
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