Re: Whats up with everyone hating the Touch Pro 2 all of a sudden?
Here's a different perspective from a different time era. I am much older I suspect than anyone actually reading this. I own a consulting and software business; I get on here periodically to learn things to make me more productive and I appreciate what I learn. I got on today and learn the TP2 is now obsolete - the EVO has arrived.
To me and many others I suspect in the real world, phones are primarily a tool - not a toy. I have simple requirements:
- The phone must synch reliably with my Mac files and tether flawlessly. The TP2 is the best I have used for doing this.
- The phone must be a phone: great reception, great clarity, great voice conferencing, The TP2 is the best I have used.
- The battery gets me through each day. The TP2 has never failed.
- i need a world phone. It is.
- I like to use notes for voice, sketch, or type. The TP2 supports all.
- I need a real keyboard. The TP2 has the best i have seen.
- i want reliability. This has been a very reliable phone; no hardware issues and few needs for soft resets.
- My laptop is for internet and email. I want the phone to allow basic and readable access to my email service and targeted websites. I find the TP2 to be great for this.
For me, the TP2 is a great phone; I have no interest in paying more per month just to get new technology that won't meet all my needs. I don't do that with cars, TV's, cameras, etc - why with phones?
That said, I appreciate all the passion here as it is nice to drop in periodically and get new ideas for the phone ( for phone forwarding / Bing for voice GPS). Unfortunately, it would seem that tips for the TP2 will now largely go away as the passion moves to the new toy on the block, but i will keep checking in.