Re: Possible battery fix from HTC!
OK, i was thinking when i read this last night that it was as someone else mentioned... spin the phone 3 times and stand on 1 leg while plugging the charger in...but....
I fully charged the phone (green light)
Then turned the phone off and plugged charger back in... went orange and in about 5 minutes went green...
Turned the phone on and plugged charger in, it showed 97% battery and took around 20+ minutes to be "FULLY?" charged... unplugged it and i used it (surfed/texted/emailed) and only used about 10% in a hour, which is way better than the 25% per hour i was getting... (I have most all the widgets already turned to either 2 hours or manual sync and since i am home instead of in the city i have no 4g coverage so i have it turned off)
I am going to give this a try again today just to see how the day goes...
PPC: The Freakin EVO, nuff said...
If i have done something to help you, please thank me so i can thank them and they can thank you...