Originally Posted by csf583
I flashed my TP2 yesterday and your ROM is awesome! THANKS!! i do have some questions:
1)my TP2 mem runs very high. starting from soft reset (60%), creeps out to 78%. i am not running any programs in the background. I know there are tweaks/cleanup cabs that can help, will any of these work with your ROM? which do you recommend? what else can i do to resolve this issue?
Do you have weather animation on or off, that would probably be the biggest, then you have it retrieving weather updates and email so you need to adjust all those settings so they aren't checking for updates if you're worried about how much memory is used, the next is to make sure nothings connecting to the internet, bluetooth, wifi are other things. To tell the truth with all these roms you're not going to get it that low. Unless you're getting errors I wouldn't worry about it, that's just my opinion. You should soft reset the phone once in a while anyways. You can also get CleanRam and use that to clean some stuff up but like I said I wouldn't expect to get it all that low.