Re: Whats up with everyone hating the Touch Pro 2 all of a sudden?
meh, dont really care for the capacitive screen. It's nice and all, but how would it handle taking notes? One of my favorite programs is taking actual notes with the notes program. I think the TP2 just needs a faster processor. I guess it's a little slow.
facebook app took me 6 seconds to open then 3 to refresh.
opera took me 7 seconds to open
camera app took me 3 seconds
coreplayer 4 seconds
calendar, almost instant
favorite contacts almost instant
mail viewer 1.5 seconds
sms viewer 1.5 seconds
bing took 9 seconds
so yeah, it's laggy at times, but it's still a solid phone. I'm happy with it, because I'm not bothered by other's having cooler phones than me. I still consider this device a very functional one. It's like a Pentium P4. shit aint pretty, but gets the job done.