Originally Posted by gmore
Have just flashed over from testing your 6.5 (21903) to this on my inactive TP (my active one won't sync) and all seem to work well except clock/calendar is military time - not a big deal but thought I'd post.
Played with your 6.5 for a while and as best I can test (inactive), no issues and smooth - problems I think I had were probably 6.5 related (ie: in calendar mode, you can't just begin typing in a time slot, you have to access via the menu 1st (even more steps???) - again, I think 6.5 related.
I don't post often but have followed the threads - Thanks for the work and time you've put in to improving this underrated phone - I'm one of the few that came over from the TP2 - I will eventually activate the phone and put it to the test and give a full report.
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it! Ya the military time can be changed by going into setting/system/regional setting, i should have fixed that by now lol but oh well. And yes I believe your issue with the calender is 6.5 related! But please do let me know how it goes for you (i also have a touch pro 2 but i use this lil treo a lot!)