Originally Posted by Wesley762
Go to Settings/system/Device Information/software Information/ and it would be called Manila version.
Strange. There are 3 tabs here, Version, Hardware and Identity.
In the version tab there is no line for manila. Here is what I have:
ROM version 4.04.605.4
ROM date 11/17/09
Radio version 2.23.00WV
Protocol version M76XXDSDCANPZM-6125
Hardware version 0004
PRL version 65133
PRI version 1.94_002
Browser version MSIE 6.0
ERI version 5
MEID A1000007B189BA
MDN (phone number)
IMEI (numbers)
Of course, none of these numbers look like a Manila number except maybe the Radio Version.
Not sure where else to look. Any ideas?