Originally Posted by bigant
MightyROM_RhodiumW_052410 is the rom, and yes, I went into settings and selected Blackout2 theme...the only thing that I don't know is which version of the theme I have, there was only 1 choice. Also I can't see where we can choose taskbars.
Newest Blackout theme can be found
Try uninstalling previous cab and installing the one above...when you select the 'MightyROM Blackout II' theme in the today settings it should automatically change the taskbars as this is set with the tsk file....
Originally Posted by tfifeco
Any help on the LOCK/UNLOCK problem after flashing latest MightROM? it keeps asking for a password even after I pull the battery. Is there anyway to bypass this?
Thanks for you help in advance
Try 0000 or last four digits of your phone number...