Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Since we can turn our phone on their sides then kickout the kickstand that clock can be used in Landscape. I *think* those two icons just set the screen brightness, dim for night-on your night stand...bright during the day for your desk.
Of course your phone would have to be plugged in with the screen set to Never Sleep While Charging to be a functional clock.
Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
I've been wondering what is the difference between those clock modes too. I even planned on looking it up in the manual if I ever get a chance. Probably won't ever happen, lol.

What's this man-u-al you speak of?
It's a desktop clock feature, one icon for night display, one for day. Granted the difference in screen brightness is minimal but that's all that's going on here.
Even Engadget covered it:
It also saves you a few bucks on a desktop dock (as long as you're cool plugging in the Micro-USB cable by hand) that's perfect for use as a table clock or radio....."