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Old 06-10-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: HTC EVO on Sprint Employee Account ?

Originally Posted by dancrosoft View Post
You wont be able to... I forget the actual wording but you have to be on a modern data plan for it to take. It says select service plan and premium data addon... < at the bottom.

I left sero but immediately applied a 25% to the 450 everything plan. Not sure what thats going to bring be down to tho. Probably around 50 bucks or so.
Yea ur right, ive been on the phone with sprint for almost two hours to try and get this phone on my account but no luck. The main problem is the plan. They said dont matter where u got the phone ur gonna have to change ur plan, there is NO WAY AROUND IT at all. But im fine with that because i have the phone anyway. So to all my free and clear people were gonna have to stick with the htc pro 2 or whatever phone u have unless u do like i did and have ur girlfriend open up a line so u can get it lol. But for now there is no way around this, so in conclusion u CAN NOT put the htc evo on the free and clear employee plan sorry!!!!
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