Originally Posted by Donatom3
Check Spare Parts (download it if you dont' have it) and find out which app is keeping it awake. I wouldnt' be suprised if it's an IM app or the Calendar. If it's the calendar I'm willing to bet that you have a Flickr account setup on your phone.
Well you're right about it being the Calendar, its at the top of the list. However it says that its only using a small portion of the partial wake usage, like less than maybe 5%.
Other thing to note. Under other usage it says "Running" has caused 100% of my battery usage, when clicked it says "Time spent without sleeping: 9h 53m 12s (100.0%) Whatever is causing this must be recent, it hasn't been like this the past two weeks I have had it.
Oh and also, I don't have a Flickr account setup.