Originally Posted by 1dutch1life
well call me a cheap bastard because i have always thought anything "free" is just fantastic! i love free stuff like sex water air timbs rom etc lol
Thanks dutch I needed that!
Trying to UL All Carrier but Mediafire keeps giving me CRC after DL and checking for errors. Once the rom is posted, I have work on this rom for the past two days. Available memory is 20% higher, did some cleanup work on the kitchen and support files that I needed to do a long time ago. Page Pool is set @ 6, but can be increased back to 16 if you want. I did that just to see if that was part of the problem. Available memory on fresh boot is about 84MB (NOT BAD)! But still have the camera error under certain conditions. If 3-4 programs are running in the background then the camera will run just fine. Add a 5th and it's a no go. Or fresh boot and run Facebook or Opera then try to use the camera it will fail like teenager trying for his first score.
So to everybody wanting to use my roms just be warned we are still have camera issues. And if the camera is that important then please try one of the other chefs rom.
God is going to strike me down. I DL'd Expressyourcell rom this morning and I liked the graphics. I tried to get the camera to give me the same error by running 8 programs in the background. And it loaded without any errors about more memory need. I have sended several pm's to other chefs requesting help. 1 had never seen that error before and 1 gave several sugguestion where to look. Didn't find anything that made the camera working at all times. Still waiting to hear from Mighty and Energy.
Rom is working well even with the camera problem. Enjoy it if you want, if not I understand the need for a fully working phone.
I special message to you all!
Best wishes, TW