Originally Posted by madeNdetroit313
Wus up..I have the Sprint free and clear plan (the best Sprint plan ever)....for everybody who has this plan, we are the last of a dying breed. Sprint has been tryin to get rid of us for years. Now I have the Evo on my gf account. So wut I'm gonna do is switch the Evo off her account . Then esn swap the evo to my account. In theory this should work but we will see. I'm gonna call Sprint and see if i can get the lock code for the Evo so I can esn swap it myself....stay tuned!!!!
Well i got some bad news. I tried to esn swap the evo onto my free and clear account but it didnt work. i couldnt make phone calls nor access the internet. The wifi worked so i was able to use that. If you have the free and clear plan or any other employee account i would wait and buy the phone until somebody successfully swap the evo onto their account. I gonna call sprint today and see if they can swap it over in case i made a mistake....stay tuned!!!!!!!
This phone is the best sprint phone ever!!!!!!