Originally Posted by blazinazn
Over the past 3 days, i didn't use task killer to kill everything like I usually did. I did close apps like shazam, radio, etc after I got done using them though.
Phone was really laggy. Took longer to open up handcent and email, almost twice as long sometimes. Like someone said in another thread, if you know how to use your task killer, it can be benificial. Just within the last 20 minutes where I finally killed everything off, my phone has been running a lot better/smoother.
It does annoy me that random apps just start up on their own but oh well. I don't think it really effects the battery life all that much anyways.
Sounds like you have programs that have not been coded very well. I would try to eliminate those programs as they can be causing a battery drain also. Android is nothing like WM where you needed to close every program to keep it running smooth.