Originally Posted by gTen
No actually the iPhone hardware is superior to the EVO ....the iphone has an extra sensor and a hummingbird processor (which is more powerful and 45m so it is smaller and more efficient) thus more battery life.
Whats holding Apple back is as always the software...the only spec EVO beats the iPhone is on the camera....
Its kinda sad but when is HTC gonna release a WOW phone and not stick to minimum upgrading >.>
On Monday's Attack of the Show, of course they spent 15 minutes talking Iphone 4 and 6 seconds to talk about the strong sales of the EVO. But anyways, a guy on that show who was at the announcement show did say that the camcorder on the Iphone4 has the quality to replace a Flip recorder. I'll admit that is impressive, I don't think our EVO has that quality. But anyways, it will come down to personal preference. In the end I don't see myself owning an Iphone for a very long time. Just can't stand apples company attitude.